Have you been to Chinatown recently? For some time, Chinatown seemed to be on the verge of fading into the horizon as another forgotten area of Vancouver downtown. I rarely ventured there for dim sum, nor have I purchased anything in the stores. The obvious choice for the real Chinese experience was beginning to be Richmond. With that mentality I was pleasantly surprised at the new restaurant Bao Bei on Keefer.
An area in Chinatown is becoming a pretty hip place with interesting art galleries, a new club and new condominiums, like the development on Pender St., pictured.
Talk about possibilities around Chinatown. There are serious discussions about removing both the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts. The Vancouver Police building on Main will be rebuilt in the next few years according to the latest news.
Suddenly we have plenty of land to recycle and reuse around Chinatown to revitalize the area.
Chinatown may become a desirable place to live in the very near future.
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